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Tyler Gregory Okonma was born on March 6, 1991, in Hawthorne, California, the son of a Nigerian father with Igbo ancestry and an American mother of mixed African-American and European-Canadian descent. He never met his father and spent his early life living in Hawthrone, moving to Ladera Heights at 17. At the age of seven, he would take the cover out of a CD case and create covers for his own imaginary albums-including a tracklist with song lengths-before he could even make music. At the age of 14, he taught himself to play the piano. In his 12 years of schooling, he attended 12 different schools in the Los Angeles and Sacramento areas.

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In the eighth grade, Okonma joined the drama class and was kicked out due to being too hyper, and in the ninth grade, Okonma was not allowed to join the band class because he could not read music. He worked at FedEx for just under two weeks and at Starbucks for over two years.

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Free gay porn videos straight boy bored tv#Ĭareer 2007–2011: Odd Future, Bastard, and Goblin Okonma took his stage name from a Myspace page he used to post his creative endeavors.

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